(0:01)Converting Recurring Decimals to Fractions: Start by setting the recurring decimal as ‘$x$’, then use multiplication to align the repeating parts, making subtraction possible to eliminate them.
(0:10)One-Digit Recurring Example: Let $x = 0.333\ldots$; multiply by 10 to get $10x = 3.333\ldots$ Subtract the equations to find $9x = 3$. So $x = \large \frac{1}{3}$.
(0:46)Two-Digit Recurring Example: For 0.45, set $x = 0.4545\ldots$ and multiply by 100 to get $100x = 45.4545\ldots$ Subtract the equations to find $99x = 45$. So $x =\large \frac{5}{11}$.
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