(0:01)Real-Life Fraction Examples: Visualising fractions with examples like pizza slices helps students see how fractions represent portions of a whole.
(0:25)Fraction Definition in Maths: Fractions represent parts of a whole, using a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number) separated by a horizontal bar.
(1:13)Numerator and Denominator Explained: The numerator indicates the number of parts being considered, while the denominator shows the total number of equal parts the whole is divided into.
(1:58)Calculating Fractions of Quantities: To find a fraction of a quantity, divide it by the denominator, then multiply by the numerator (e.g., $\large \frac{3}{4} $ of 20 cm equals 15 cm).
📂 Revision Cards
1) Fractions
2) Numerator and Denominator
3) Fractions Example 1
4) Fractions Example 2
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